Twacha Aesthetic Clinic

Stretch Mark Removal

The largest organ in the body, the skin serves as a protective layer over the muscles, subcutaneous fat, and the skeletal skeleton. It is made up of structural proteins like collagen and elastin that make it stiff and elastic. As a result, the skin has a remarkable propensity to revert to its initial state after being stretched. However, if the skin is stretched quickly or beyond its limit, there is a possibility of injuring the tissues that support the skin. Stretch marks result from this (or Striae distensae).

Almost everyone, regardless of age or skin type, can get stretch marks. Although these skin issues are not unpleasant, they may affect a person’s confidence and sense of self. They may also be disfiguring in extreme circumstances. The best stretch mark treatment may be had by consulting a dermatologist at Twacha Aesthetic Clinic.

Stretch mark removal - Twacha aesthetic Skin Clinic nagpur maharashtra

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are bands of parallel lines that develop on the skin when the skin’s connective tissue is stretched. Unlike normal skin, stretch marks have a variety of hues, from bright pink to grey, and distinct textures. They may feel like a little ridge or indentation on the skin when touched, and in rare situations, they may also be painful or uncomfortable. These are risk-free, and frequently, they vanish with time. They frequently develop on the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, stomach, and breasts.

Causes and risk factors

The collagen and elastin fibres found in the dermis, the middle layer of skin, break under sudden straining. This exposes the underlying blood vessels, which are then visible on the skin as telltale red or purplish markings at first and eventually changing into the white or silver cold when the blood vessels recover. Usually, stretch marks cannot be removed once they have aged.

Increased levels of cortisone, an adrenal hormone, which causes the skin to lose its suppleness, can also cause stretch marks to develop. Another factor in why some people develop stretch marks is genetic predisposition. Stretch marks are frequently seen in the following situations:

  • The time of pregnancy wherein there is continuous stretching and tugging of the skin to make a room for the developing baby inside the womb. It has been seen that up to 90% of postpartum women have stretch marks.
  • Sudden growth spurts in teenagers or young adults (i.e., during puberty).
  • Significant weight gains or loss and excessive muscle building.
  • Corticosteroid lotions, creams, and pills which can decrease the skin’s stretching ability.
  • Diseases of the adrenal glands include Marfan’s syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome that cause the body’s cortisone levels to rise.

Types of stretch marks

Broadly, stretch marks can be categorized into two types based on their appearance and formation:

  • Striae Rubrae: Stretch marks that are red, pink, or violet in colour (an acute stage of stretch marks that presents the earliest physical indication of overstretched skin). These can be flat or slightly elevated, and they can itch, although they are typically asymptomatic. Inflammation symptoms are easier to observe at this point.
  • Striae Albae: White stretch marks (mature or chronic stage of stretch marks). After the development of striae rubae, which can take several months to years, these scar-like, hypopigmented stretch marks with irregular shapes gradually form.

Other types of stretch marks are:

  • Striae Nigrae: Usually seen in people with dark complexions, these stretch marks are dark grey or black in colour.
  • Striae Gravidarum: Pregnancy stretch marks that are noticeable on a woman’s breasts, abdomen, and thighs.
  • Striae Atrophicans: These appear on thinning skin in patients with Cushing’s syndrome, in people who have used corticosteroids for a long time, or in people who have had surgery.
  • Striae Caerulea: These stretch marks are dark blue or purplish in colour and are particularly common in people with dark skin.

Best stretch marks Treatment

There are several ways to improve the stretch marks appearance. One way is to use retin-oic acid cream to restore the skin’s elasticity and firmness but this is not advised for pregnant or nursing women.

The best cosmetic procedures that are offered by skin specialists at Twacha Aesthetic Clinic are as follows:

  1. Laser therapy: One of the cutting-edge, non-invasive, and non-toxic therapies for stretch marks is laser therapy. In order to repair and regenerate the skin cells and make the stretch marks more similar to the surrounding normal skin, the practitioner directs powerful light energy (a beam of visible red or infrared light) into the stretch marks during this procedure. Pulsed dye lasers and excimer lasers are frequently employed for stretch marks. They function by heating the melanin pigment, eliminating it without damaging the skin’s surface, and promoting collagen and elastin synthesis. Inflammation can be reduced and blood circulation boosted using laser therapy.Up to 20 laser sessions may be necessary to improve the appearance of the skin by 20 to 60%. Although it produces long-lasting improvements, sometimes more treatments are required. Visit Twacha Aesthetic Clinic Skin to learn more about stretch mark reduction laser therapy.
  2. Growth Factor Therapy: Another well-liked, non-invasive method for rejuvenating the skin and boosting new collagen and elastin synthesis is growth factor therapy. The patient’s blood is drawn for this procedure, the platelet-enriched plasma is separated by centrifugation, and the re-injected into the afflicted skin area using tiny needles in modest doses. Growth factors and key proteins in this therapy are crucial in the body’s natural healing process because they promote cell turnover. This is a natural treatment that helps reduce stretch marks’ external appearance.
  3. Microneedling: It is a minimally-invasive, collagen induction therapy that can effectively treat stretch marks. During the microneedling treatment, tiny micro-needles are used to puncture the superficial affected skin layer and reach the skin dermis (middle layer). These wounds traumatize the skin and trigger the natural healing cascade of the body.
  • There are three phases in which the healing takes place:
  1. Inflammation: After the skin is pierced, the immune system is activated to clear away debris, clean the wounds, increase blood flow, and regenerate new tissue.
  2. Proliferation: The injured skin starts to heal itself by producing new skin cells, collagen, elastin, and temporary blood vessels.
  3. Remodeling: More elastin and collagen fibres are made at the injured spot to repair the harmed connective tissues. Stretch marks are diminished as a result, leaving behind skin that is firm, elastic, and smooth.Growth factor therapy is used with Derma roller therapy to improve results by inflicting microscopic skin injuries that allow growth factors to penetrate the skin more effectively.

        4. Microdermabrasion: It can reduce the appearance of mature (white) stretch marks and is essentially painless. The damaged skin surface is polished during this procedure using small exfoliating crystals. To show a new, fresh skin layer beneath the more elastic stretch scars, the upper skin layer (epidermis) is gently cleaned of dead skin cells using a wand-like device. It works by encouraging the skin’s elastin and collagen fibres to contract. To produce successful outcomes, the process may be carried out more than once.

General tips for managing stretch marks:

  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Try to manage weight.
  • Keep skin moisturized.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Eat a vitamin C and D rich diet.

To know about stretch marks treatment costs, schedule a consultation with the best skin doctors at Twacha Aesthetic Clinic.



Monday to Saturday : 10:30am to 8:00pm | Sunday : 12:00pm to 3:00pm

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