Hair Dandruff Treatment in Nagpur, Maharashtra
Seborrheic dermatitis, also known as dandruff, is a common scalp disorder where the skin on the scalp becomes flaky and itchy. If someone has black hair or wears dark colours, they could detect flakes in their hair or on their shoulders. On the scalp, dandruff may cause irritation. Dandruff, which can affect the scalp, is characterised by dry, tiny, white, adherent scales between 0.5 and 1.5 mm. If shampooed rarely, dandruff may become more obvious. The scales of dandruff are frequently less noticeable after washing your hair. Dandruff is not caused by inadequate cleanliness, despite what many people believe. It can occasionally be highly embarrassing, therefore you should get quick medical attention from a dermatologist. Although it is a widespread issue, treating it on your own is undoubtedly difficult.
After physically inspecting the scalp to determine the underlying reason of the dandruff, skilled skin professionals at Twacha Aesthetic Clinic offer the best dandruff treatment.

Signs & symptoms of dandruff
The two main indications that you have dandruff are flaky skin and an itchy scalp. In the winter, when the air is normally dry, white, greasy flakes tend to build more in the hair and on the shoulders. Additional signs of dandruff may consist of:-
- Erythema refers to the formation of red spots on the scalp and occasionally the face.
- Eyebrow/ eyelid dandruff.
- Beard flakes that are dry.
- Crusty scalp in infants.
Excessive scalp dandruff is frequently a contributing factor in hair loss. Therefore, to find the best remedy if over-the-counter treatments like anti-dandruff shampoos are ineffective, one must see a dermatologist.
Causes of dandruff
Although the precise cause of dandruff is unclear, the following are some theories:-
- Seborrheic dermatitis patients are more likely to get dandruff.
- Fungal infections can also lead to dandruff.
- Dandruff is brought on by overactive sebaceous glands, which also make the scalp oily.
- Dandruff is thought to be brought on by the yeast infection (Malassezia), which is known to irritate the scalp and result in excessive skin cell growth.
- Sanitation also has an impact. Dandruff can also result from excessive shampooing or insufficient scalp cleansing. Finding a balance is essential. It can be challenging to comprehend on your own.
- Friction on the sensitive scalp skin such as because of over-brushing or wearing hats frequently can also lead to dandruff.
- Particularly in people with contact dermatitis, some hair care products can also irritate the skin on the scalp.
How to distinguish dry scalp from dandruff?
Most people struggle to recognise the distinction between dandruff and dry scalp because both conditions result in itching and white flakes on the scalp. However, each of these illnesses has a unique set of reasons. Malassezia yeast proliferation results in dandruff, although moisture loss from the scalp is the primary cause of dryness.
Additionally, this disease could be brought on by various hair products that one uses on their scalps depleting them of their natural oils. If a person lives in a cold, dry climate, they may be more likely to get a dry scalp.
The best technique to cure a dry scalp is typically to switch to a moderate, unmedicated shampoo with as little additives as possible that might remove moisture from the scalp. Only a dermatologist with experience can provide a definitive diagnosis.
General tips to prevent dandruff
The actions listed below should be taken to prevent dandruff:-
- Keep your hands off the scalp whenever possible. Scratching may cause irritation, and rubbing and scratching the scalp may allow dirt to enter, which may exacerbate the dandruff.
- To keep your hair free of oil, shampoo frequently. However, avoid using too many hair products since this can harm your hair and irritate your scalp. A dermatologist can recommend a shampoo that will be effective in dandruff reduction.
- Stress can aggravate dandruff. While stress does not cause Malassezia to appear on the scalp, it can thrive if the immune system is weakened, which is exactly what stress does to the body. Try going for a relaxing walk or doing yoga or indulging in hobbies to manage stress.
- Massage the scalp regularly.
- Massaging may also help prevent dandruff symptoms.
- Brush the hair when it’s not wet and at least twice daily.
- To avoid rubbing on the scalp, stay away from wearing hats and scarves.
When is the need to consult a doctor?
There might be a need to consult the doctor if:-
- The dandruff still remains after using an anti-dandruff shampoo.
- The scalp gets too itchy with redness.
- A flaky scalp develops.
- Dandruff starts appearing on the eyelids or beard.
How to use dandruff shampoos?
- Massage a small bit into the beard, scalp, or any other area that is troubled. Your skin will get much more inflamed if you scrub. Before rinsing, let the shampoo in place for 5 to 10 minutes (per the directions on the container label or as directed by your doctor).
- To avoid a dry scalp, alternate your anti-dandruff shampoo with a regular moisturizing one.
- Consult a doctor if you’ve tried several anti-dandruff shampoos and still have flakes. Another treatment or a stronger, prescription-only shampoo may be required.
Other treatments to manage severe dandruff
Sometimes even the best anti-dandruff shampoos will not help you. So the doctor will use the following treatments:-
- Prescribe a steroid cream, lotion or a cream to rub on the area which is affected.
- The doctor might advise an antifungal medication.
- An oil based medicine could also be applied and it has to be applied overnight.
Other scalp conditions that may look like dandruff
Very persistent flakes could be caused by another skin condition that mimics dandruff rather than the actual condition. The following scalp conditions can also result in flaky skin:-
- Eczema: It is a condition marked by a number of skin irritants that cause an itchy, scaly rash.
- Psoriasis: It is a skin condition that primarily affects the scalp and generates itchy, red, scaly patches.
- Rosacea: It is a skin ailment that predominantly affects the face but can also affect the scalp and is characterised by redness and irritation.
How frequently should hair be washed to reduce dandruff?
You can use the anti-dandruff shampoo to wash your hair every other day if you have dandruff. Additionally, you must wash your hair twice a week to keep the scalp clean even if you manage to get rid of your dandruff.
Is oiling considered to be good for dandruff?
This is an unfounded rumour. If you have dandruff, refrain from oiling your scalp because dandruff is caused by excessive oil production from the oil glands (sebum). One to two hours prior to a head wash, only the lengths of the hair should be oiled.